Slim Aluminium S.p.A. has prepared a specific procedure for receiving, analyzing and processing reports of alleged violations.
- The Whistleblowing Portal ensures data security and protection and confidentiality of information, through an advanced system of encryption of communications and database, in line with the provisions of the relevant legislation. This portal, which ensures the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity, the secure storage of transmitted and uploaded documents, and the confidential management of analysis and management processes, is therefore considered preferential to the others;
- Electronic mail, at the e-mail address whistleblowing@slimalu.com
Reports not pertaining to any non-compliance with laws, Code of Conduct and Integrated Policy, will not be considered in any way.
To access the portal:
Slim Aluminium S.p.A. | Home (whistleblower)
Slim Cisterna
Slim Aluminium S.p.A.
Piazzale dell’Alluminio
04012 Cisterna di Latina (LT)
Capitale sociale
€ 500.000 f.p.
C. Fiscale e registro imprese di Latina
Partita iva
IT 01906930597
+39 06 96 83 01
Slim Merseburg
Slim Merseburg GmbH
August-Bebel-Straße 1,
06217 Merseburg
+49 3461 2840
Società controllata da Slim Aluminium S.p.A.